Friday, April 27, 2007

How to Skyrocket Your Sales and Enjoy Your Life

What's the use of spending money training your staff to use
sophisticated selling techniques if they won't go out and
use them?

Every large sales group has the salesperson who is lacking
in good technique, but who is, never-the-less, a high
producer. I heard of one company who has such a man. We'll
call him Amos. His colleagues often cringe when they
overhear some of his sales pitches. Yet he is a high
producer who outsells most of his colleagues.. Why? Because
he is free of the fear of prospecting.

This means two critical things.
1. He prospects more and
2. He exudes a natural self-confidence and attractiveness.

The result is that Amos outsells his well-trained
colleagues who have better selling skills. Amos is not
reluctant to sell!

Common Blocks to Sales Success George W. Dudley and Shannon
L. Goodson have identified 16 forms of Call Reluctance®.
Some of them are:
. Doomsayer: is certain prospect won't be in, won't listen,
won't buy
. Over-Preparer: fears not having the best answer and
wastes too much time getting ready to sell
. Stage fright: fears selling to groups
. Yielder: fears alienating prospect and readily gives in
to objections
. Referral Aversion: fears that asking for referrals will
damage selling relationship
. Telephobia: fears using the phone for selling
. Social Self: conscious-fears selling to high status buyers

Randy Oliver used this information to great advantage. He

"My sales have increased a whopping 97.8% for the year. You
helped me get rid of my deadwood salespeople and replace
them with real go-getters who have made my life a whole lot

Your Challenge

To have a high producing sales staff your challenge as the
owner, CEO, or sales manager is clear. You need to have
sales people on your team who do not have these problems --
at least not in any significant amount.

Use this list to help you identify the weaknesses of each
of your salespeople. You will then be able to precisely
focus your efforts to improve each salesperson's
performance. However it can be a daunting task. Some of
these weaknesses are hard to change.

It is easier to hire people who do not have these problems.
The problem is prospective hires naturally put their best
foot forward and look as good as they possibly can.

Imagine if you could peek into the heart of your
prospective hires and tell, no matter how good they looked,
whether they were free of the issues we have been
discussing in the first place. Wouldn't that save you a ton
of money and two tons of grief?

By using this method to improve your sales team you can
skyrocket your sales and enjoy your life.

Stan Mann, C.P.C. supports business owners, top executives
and commission salespeople to substantially grow their
business and have a balanced life. He is a Certified
Professional Coach. For additional articles and resources
please visit


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